Your Secret Friend in the Bedroom
Especially for women, if talking about bondage device toys then they are a convenient way to make themselves happy when there is no man around. Why not? Many women live fast lives like men. They work long hours and often have some time to socialize outside of working hours. Why should a woman want to masturbate? That's why you're masturbating. You don't have to think much to figure it out. Man or woman, we all have the same needs and desires. The clitoris is important part for women. He has a lot of stimulated nerve endings, which makes the minds of men restless. The clitoris is like the head of the penis, but even more sensitive. This is the Holy Grail of female sexuality and most women know how to use it for their own ultimate intimate experience. Centuries ago, women used to go to the doctor to masturbate! Seriously. It was believed that overly sexually active women would place themselves in diabolical problems and not feel sexual urges. Having sex more than once a...